Arts & Mental Health Festival

How to Create ‘Love À La Carte’

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08 Nov 2020


16:00 - 17:00



How to Create ‘Love À La Carte’

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Life is evolving. Humans are evolving. This means that our relationship models should evolve as well. Thankfully, we now recognise that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for partnerships. Today’s evolved individuals are seeking their ‘like-minded other’ to form a love model that resonates with truth, passion, and authenticity. No longer confined to a cookie-cutter, looking-good image of successful partnership, we’re now free to design a relationship that suits our unique disposition, desires, and life purpose.

So, how do individuals find the love they want in the real world? Relationship Expert Susan Winter shares her step-by-step process for designing a love model that reflects your unique disposition and romantic goals.

Susan’s ‘Love À La Carte’ formula enables you to discover the relationship format best tailored to you, and how to communicate this design to a prospective mate. This discussion will focus on; clarifying your greatest desires in a partnership, examining why you want what you want and thinking about how your ideal relationship should look, feel and function in the real world.

Susan will then focus on communication skills between you and your current or future partner, before holding a Q&A session.